Health and Social Care Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Wednesday, 2 July 2014




Meeting time:

09.31 - 11.19




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


David Rees AM (Chair)

Leighton Andrews AM

Rebecca Evans AM

Janet Finch-Saunders AM

Elin Jones AM

Darren Millar AM

Lynne Neagle AM

Gwyn R Price AM

Lindsay Whittle AM

Kirsty Williams AM








Meri Huws, Welsh Language Commissioner

Rhodri Roberts, Welsh Language Commissioner






Committee Staff:


Llinos Madeley (Clerk)

Helen Finlayson (Second Clerk)

Sarah Sargent (Deputy Clerk)

Rhys Iorwerth (Researcher)







View the meeting transcript.




1    Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 No apologies were received.




2    General scrutiny session with the Welsh Language Commissioner


2.1 The witnesses responded to questions from Members.




3    Papers to note


3.1 The Committee noted the minutes of the 18 June meeting.




3.1  Letter from the Deputy Minister for Social Services regarding the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act - Eligibility Technical Group Report

3.1a The Committee noted the letter from the Deputy Minister for Social Services.




3.2  Letter from the Chair of the Finance Committee

3.2a The Committee noted the letter from the Chair of the Finance Committee.




4    Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting


4.1 The motion was agreed.




5    Inquiry into orthodontic services in Wales: consideration of the draft report


5.1 The Committee considered and agreed the draft report, subject to minor changes, for its inquiry into orthodontic services in Wales.




6    Consideration of the Committee's forward work programme: autumn term timetable


6.1 The Committee discussed and agreed its forward work programme for the autumn term.

